Saturday, April 27, 2013

Gratitude for the Gift of Green...

I have received a very special gift from my husband.  I have been gifted the mindset of "greenness".  I thought I was "green" when I met him, but I soon learned that there was a lot more I could be doing.  I can remember a time when I thought because I recycled, composted, gardened, and I brought my own reusable bag to the grocery store I was eco-friendly.  
Ha! When I first met my husband, he was in the process of installing solar panels on the roof of the house…..By himself.  It was an amazing process to watch.  It takes rewiring the whole house and installing quite a few pieces of equipment to regulate the power coming in to the panels.  I learned a great deal about how it all works.  Now I cannot figure out why we don't see more solar panels on rooftops…they're awesome!

He was also in the process of building a clothes drying rack out of 2 x 4's.  I can honestly say I have not used the clothes dryer in the laundry room even once.  It would not occur to me to use it, as the clothes rack is a beautiful way to dry your clothes….the wrinkles fall right out.   Plus, clothes dryers use a gargantuan amount of electricity…more than the solar panels can handle.  I have not missed it.  It is really quite a meditative practice…the hanging of clothes on the line and then taking them off and folding them.  I have grown not only accustomed to it but I enjoy it.  I use it as an opportunity to practice being completely in the moment.

Another way I have "greened" my thinking is that I also drive a lot more consciously than I used to.  Not only do I enjoy the more peaceful method of driving I now employ, but I also know I am treating the planet with care by coasting downhill (or hyper-miling as some call it), setting the cruise control on 60mph, and just generally being intentional while I am driving.  It has made driving so much more peaceful no matter where I am.  It has become a great habit.  

My husband is very committed to this way of living and it reflects his core beliefs.  He absolutely refuses to have anything to do with a plastic bag.  If we end up shopping and for some (unusual) reason do not have a reusable bag, I have seen a cart full of groceries hauled out to the car Costco style… no bags.  I admire and respect this dedication to the planet.  He has inspired me.  I am proud to have my default attitude automatically think of the most efficient and "green" way to do something.  
I realize now that everything we do is simply habit.  We train ourselves to act based on the familiar and routine.  It doesn't take much effort to CHOOSE to think differently about our behavior.  
I choose to find new ways to be more efficient, and less dependent on the disposable items that have become so prevalent in our society.  
Setting intention really works.  I hardly ever forget my reusable shopping bags when I go to the grocery store!
Thank you, Drew.

Affirmation of the day: I am so happy and grateful my natural behavior is in balance and harmony with the earth.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Revisiting Balance.....

This is a print of the original drawing balance. She has been mounted on a painted wood panel  and bejeweled. 
She can be viewed in the etsy store... click here