Monday, July 29, 2013

Full Moon in Macchu Picchu

 There are not enough words to describe the energy in this amazing place. Although I only spent two days in this ancient city, I somehow felt as though I had always been here. All I can say is, this is place worth the effort to come and experience for yourself. This energy is real. Are there 426 places to buy hats, bags, and "Macchu Picchu" shot glasses? Well of course there are. But there is also something very real here as well. 

After a thrilling walk all through every sacred nook and cranny of the ruins of Macchu Picchu, we enjoyed another lovely meal of "veggie pizza" at the Inka Wasi restaurant.
 If you are just now joining me, you will not get the humor of the term "veggie pizza" which translates to, no Spanish necessary, round white bread with cheese. The best part about dinner in this highly-decorated restaurant was the amazingly beautiful and slightly comical art (think Jesus at the last supper with his 14, yes... fourteen friends...with two fingers forming a peace sign) and all the Inkan rulers plastered all over the walls.  And last but certainly not least.... A great band with almost enough room to dance to...

After dinner a few of us walked up to the thermal hot baths (the town IS called Aguas Caliente after all...) and had a healing ceremony under the light of the full moon. Wow was that powerful. Floating around, head mostly submerged, in mineral rich warm water (sure it smells like sulphur...what do you want, flowers?) while bells are continuously ringing under the water.... 
Yep, I am pretty sure I left the planet for a while. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ceremony with the Q'ero Indians

This evening I was honored to be a part of a  "despacho" ceremony with two Q'ero Indians. It lasted about two hours and involved many blessings to "Pachamama" (Mother Earth) using coca leaves, "agua de florida", and lots of little packages of local grains, seeds, and various other accoutrements. After all the goodies were put into a beautiful little bundle and wrapped in white paper and a "mesa" cloth, we were each blessed again by the Q'ero elders. It was a powerful  ceremony that I will not soon forget. I am so grateful to be surrounded by this amazing healing energy. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Heading to Cusco...

After a very interesting evening in Iquitos, eating Peruvian vegetarian "pizza" we are leaving on the first flight out to the Sacred Valley.   
Once again I am reminded that "city folk" in Peru seem to have an aversion to vegetables. One vegetarian pizza had mushrooms and tomatoes (neither of which are officially vegetables) and the other had a few tomato slices and basil. However, if you are a fan of lots of cheese and white flour, pizza is the dish for you here. 

Iquitos is quite the hustling-bustling little town. The two lane streets are filled with four lanes worth of cars, trucks, and an overwhelming number of "mototaxi's". These are motorcycles that have a 2-3 seat, covered "carriage" on them. They seem efficient enough but apparently there is quite a few accidents involving these "vehicles" due to the fact that other traffic doesn't really acknowledge their presence on the road. 
I have to say, I really really like the jungle. The diversity of flora and fauna alone is mind boggling. The hikes through the jungle have been one of my very favorite experiences. I think I will  come back journey in these woods is far from over. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mud. Mud. Mud.

Ever had a mud bath?  Well, I had never even considered covering myself with gobs of river mud. Until today....

First, we took a boat ride down the Amazon river to find native pink dolphins. We found several pair and they played and dove in and out of the water all around us.  Some of them really were bright pink and others were dark grey. They seemed to really enjoy playing in the water and I was so happy we were able to see them. 

Then we continued on to a small island in the middle of the river. At first when we stepped out of the boat the ground was solid. As I moved closer to the other side I began to sink further and further until literally I was thigh-deep in the smoothest silkiest sloppety-slop mud you could ever imagine. It was a solid dark brown, the color of melted chocolate ice cream, and oozed between your fingers and toes with delightful satisfaction.  Several of us proceeded to strip down to our birthday suits and literally bury ourselves in mud. Seriously. I never thought in a MILLION  years I would find myself completely submerged in slimy mud from the amazon river and yet this has been one of the most exhilarating experiences yet.  And did I mention how smooth my skin feels?  Just like a baby's butt. Uh-huh. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Yaguas Indians

We visited a native village living on the bank of a tributary of the Amazon.   Everyone seemed so happy.  All the children were playing in the center of the (soccer), volleyball, and various other ball games. They brought all their "pets" to show parrots and three toed sloths. Those baby sloths were the cutest little things I have ever seen. When you hold them, they gently hug you and put their little heads on your shoulder!  We all fell in love with them and wanted to take them home with us. After careful consideration, we decided that with their special amazonian diet, they would be better off staying here with the Yaguas. 

We met the tribal chief and the elders. They played music in the ceremony lodge and we all danced together to raise the vibration which was actually caught on camera with  orbs of light all over the picture.  Absolutely fascinating! 
Then the chief showed us how they make a blow dart gun for hunting monkeys, birds, and other small animals for food. They let us shoot with them and aim at a target. I was two for two and I'm seriously considering a career change. 

At first I felt like such a tourist walking around this authentic village. However, after spending time with these delightful people, entertaining them with my gringo spanglish, I changed my outlook. They truly seemed to enjoy showing us their ways and customs. We bought arts and crafts from them which will help sustain them. They are proud of their heritage and I am honored to have spent some time with these sweet, loving people. 

Living it up in the Jungle...

Dancing in the jungle with my new palm-leaf tiara...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day one. In the jungle.

July 15
This place is truly powerful. The peaceful occasional sound of light rain falling on a thatched roof, the earthy smells, a giant colorful parrot welcoming you off the boat from Iquitos, the incessant chirps and calls of foreign birds, frogs, crickets, and who only knows what.... This place is real. This is LIFE happening. in. the. jungle. Not just for the tourists, but every day goings-on whether there is a human around to hear it or not.  Oh... And one of the best awesome hammock on a little screened porch looking out onto the most lush greenery I have ever seen in my wildest dreams.  ever. 

We went for a boat ride to visit a nearby shaman. He performed a beautiful ceremony for each of us for healing and preparing. He sang enchanting "icaros" while performing his sacred medicine.  The ceremony included the use of Peruvian tobacco,  eucalyptus water, and a bunch of special leaves tied together so that they make a sound almost like a rattle. I was in a far away place full of peace love and the ceremony completely rejuvenated my spirit. 

The food here has been the best so far in Peru.  Vegetarian fare in Lima pretty much meant you were eating a salad (although the salads are amazing) and papas fritas. Yep... the universal favorite, french fries.   Although there do not seem to be too many vegetarian Peruvians.... the plantains, yucca  (manioc root), palm, beans, rice, potatoes, and various indigenous fruits and vegetables have been absolutely spectacular here in the jungle. I am in heaven. 

Headed to the jungle...

(No wifi for at least a week -July 14)

Last day in Lima... Staying near the airport to be ready for a 4am wake up call to catch an early flight to Iquitos.   
The only positive thing I can say about the Vista del Sol hotel is that there is a switch on the wall that instantly pipes vey loud mariachi style music into the room. Yep. That's a fact folks. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lima Centro!

 Wow! What an awesome first day in Peru! Lots of "personajes" (characters) including my new amigos here...

And the streets are perfectly safe with my other new amigos...Limas finest...super friendly yet not too smiley la policia....

Dinner was served on my own little grill... providing not only a delicious array of grilled veggies, but also my own heater in this chilly Peruvian winter! Muy  bien!

Friday, July 12, 2013


How do you know you are in a foreign country when you wake up in the morning???? Horns! Lots and lots of horn honking. Americans just do not use the car horn the same. Peru is no exception. The traffic noises, which literally continue nonstop day and night, was my first indication that I was not only NOT in Kansas anymore...I am not anywhere near Kansas, or Georgia, or even that half of the planet.

I believe the myriad of honks, beeps, and frequent siren bursts is viewed only as a way of communicating while driving...the "voice" of the blinkers, if you will. It doesn't seem to be an explicative as it does in the states. Also, I am quite sure it has to do with the...umm......12 million(!!!) or so people in this city!
The taxi ride from the Lima airport to Miraflores was an exhilarating ride.. weaving in and out of lanes just barely escaping the kiss of another bumper mere millimeters away...

The best part was Cesar the taxi driver. I spoke Spanish, or at least MY version of Spanish the entire 45 minutes we were navigating the maze that is Lima, Peru. He was great! He even kept his giggling to a minimum as I mangled my way through my first conversation completely in espanol. Love it!!!
So... Buenas Dias! for now...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bon Voyage!

Well, here I am, at the airport....on my way to Peru!
It seems like just yesterday this day was months and months away.

Thank you all, dear friends and family, for all the love support I have received! What an amazing experience! I have had actually several wonderful "send-off" gatherings and all I can say is, I truly feel loved. I am so grateful.
Bon Voyage!