Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Isadora's Epiphanies: The Disco Ball

One night Isadora was dancing around the room with a hula hoop whirling around her waist.  She twirled faster and faster… eyes closing to the point where her inner vision was more distinct than the room spinning around her.  Yet still, reflections of light bouncing off mirrors captured her attention repeatedly… And persistently.  They were TRYING to get her attention.  Calling her name… in between notes of the music booming from the speaker across the room.  
In a wink, she was instantly transported to the middle of a giant illuminated DISCO BALL.  A zillion images rushed toward her in a spark of light, still she was spinning and spinning.  The smoke rising up from the bowl of smoldering herbs on her altar obscured her vision.  The earthy perfumed scent of those sacred leaves and tiny bits of burning wood delivered her to an ancient time and place…as she repeated the word “Mirrors, mirrors, MIRRORS!”  

But the mirrors… there was something to this.  She felt here, right now, this was an important message she was receiving.  She already understood that every being is a mirror and that which we see and judge in others, is within us.  Ahnaha Whitefeather, her beloved elder, had taught her this many moons ago.  Yet she sensed now there was so much more to this… a deeper truth being revealed to her. And then she intuited that her understanding was “simply”, an oversimplification.  EVERYTHING..people, energy, and events were continually mirroring back to us what we emanate…In each and EVERY moment.  The implication of this new awareness affected Isadora immensely.  SELF-AWARENESS really is only the beginning.  

Messages came this way frequently to Isadora… mysterious glimpses into other dimensions… sometimes a single word or sound, a picture or a number, a phrase that repeatedly shows up…sometimes in different context, further confirming what she intuited.  She was in the habit of looking for these clues throughout her surroundings.  She found this practice mysterious and exhilarating and certainly a testament of her growing trust.  
At first she felt like she was making it all up and just SEEING THINGS that she wanted to see.  And then suddenly she recalled her belief that reality is simply whatever she believes it to be.  Yes!  How could she forget? And then she saw that if this is true, then the validity of the messages whispered to her inside her head were indeed meant for her to interpret accordingly.  She trusted.   This became truth and then…. ABRACADABRA!*… IT IS SO. 

These sorts of cosmic happenings happen quite frequently with Isadora and she relishes these jaunts through portals with a fearless passion.  And although she knows she is responsible for the creation of these portals, she is often unaware of WHEN they will happen.  Thankfully, her new found ACCEPTANCE of this uncharted territory has made her blissfully free.  And at last she understands the importance of embracing the MYSTERY with EYES WIDE OPEN….  

*That’s right I went there.  Why the hell not…? This IS a story full of magic after all… and besides it actually is an enchanted incantation. The word ABRACADABRA  is derived from an Aramaic phrase meaning "I create as I speak."

“The night Isadora was initiated into the world of fairies….”

One enchanted evening long ago in a place far, far away Isadora was crossing the threshold into another reality of which she had only seen glimpses…
As fate would have it, Isadora and her friend Whoopsie were actually  wandering home after a long night of conferring  with inner demons and angels during a powerful ceremony in the middle of the Amazonian jungle.  Still somewhat woozy from the strong brew of which they had partook, they now had understanding that had not been present just a few hours earlier.  They had traveled a long way here together for healing and insight about what was to come next for each of these two young wild women.  

It was warm and foggy as they  negotiated the jungle foliage late this night.  The path was overgrown and a little muddy.  Although they had laid banana leaves on the squishiest of the puddles earlier in the day in preparation for their eventual journey back to the hut, the path was indeed cumbersome.  
It was the dark moon.  And maybe just before the sun was to make an appearance that day… that time between dusk and dawn when the veil is not only thin but reality is dubious.  

The beam of light from Isadora’s small flashlight caught the essence of something shimmery just ahead.  Yes, a shimmering of sorts was appearing before their wide gaping eyes.  And then, all of a sudden… THERE SHE WAS….weaving in and out of leaves large and small… maneuvering in a less than straight line but not so erratic that they could not follow along, desperately looking through the small ray of light upon which would soon reveal… in actual physical existence… a Real Fairy.  She could be nothing less.  

When they caught up to her, she halted in mid-flight for only a moment in time, turned in a flash and flew straight into Isadora’s face, right where the third eye is located in the center of her forehead, vanishing on contact.  Isadora gasped and cried out in awe.  What was only an instant earlier… a glittering, iridescent hint of greens and purples, wings and sparkles, had dematerialized in plain sight.  
Although reality was questionable, this WAS happening.  It was true.  She knew it with all of her being.  Besides, if there is more than one witness, it cannot therefore be an hallucination!

This affected Isadora on a profoundly deep level.  She would never forget this experience and saw her life was Awakening to the Magic.  Why…she pondered… if there really are fairies, what other magic have we yet to see?  She, from that day forward, wore a small colorful bindi on her third eye to remind her of the gift she had received that night.  For she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that she now possessed this Fairy Essence within her and vowed to share the Magic with others wherever she went…

Well hello there...again...

If this is coming into your inbox from out-of-the-blue... HI! Hopefully this surprise email, the first since...*ahem*...apparently January... will be a welcome surprise.  I have decided to resurrect an old blog (this one) instead of creating yet another... And lucky you get it already...right in your email.  HaHA.

This {blog} is a creative project that the Universe INSISTED I pursue.  In all the traveling around the world, a theme began to emerge....  MAGIC.  Not that hocus-pocus illusion stuff, but Real every day MAGIC.  So much so, it became apparent I am to SHARE it with you.  Yes, you.

So to make things interesting, I am allowing Isadora...uhh...one of the voices in my head....that's right... to narrate these adventures.  She is writing a book, but she was sooo excited (read = impatient) to share some of this stuff, she could not wait a moment more and flat out had a tantrum until I gave her free reign to tell you all about some of her tales.  So here goes... Isadora is thrilled to have you here.  Please feel free to let her know anything you wish to share with her.  Go on. She can handle it...