No, this post has nothing to do with international travel...but I believe it merits its own post (and possibly additional subsequent posts) because it is just that important!
I am so happy and grateful that I have released myself from the jaws of sugar addiction! As of next Wednesday, it will have been three months since I have consumed any refined SUGAR, (at least knowingly). I am however, eating fruits and whole foods that contain naturally occurring "sugars" (i.e. potatoes, etc) as well as occasional small amounts of local honey, but no refined sugars, or chemical sugar substitutes.
Label reading has become key and, well...Holy Moly! Food, at least anything processed or manufactured, typically contains some sort of sugar. It is absolutely ridiculous. I cannot say that I am that surprised by the quantity of foods that contain this insidious ingredient, but it does seem suspiciously prolific in ingredient lists. And you can just forget "all natural" as these items are usually loaded with sugar in disguise... Evaporated cane juice???? Really? Uh, hello... This is a deceptive term for nothing but sugar. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but it does cause alarm, or at least "heightened awareness" shall we say, that such a high percentage of foods contain something proven to be more addictive than heroine. Especially now that sugar is not just simply called "sugar", but is hidden in a myriad of deceptive terms marketed to appear "healthy". If you're not up to snuff on newfangled marketing verbiage, you're pretty much doomed from the start. Just sayin'.
In the past, I would frequently give in to the temptation (addiction) and also use sweets as an emotional pacifier. I found myself occasionally bingeing on sugar to the point of pure illness and well...embarrassment, really (in Peru I was a "regular" at a bakery if that gives you any sort of clue!). I literally made myself disgustingly sick from sugar....regularly. I now believe, having been addicted to something so "acceptable" in the eyes of society, that this is not only a serious challenge for a large percentage of humans, but also much more of a health factor than most people even realize. Even those people without a "sweet tooth" that consume processed foods frequently are most likely unknowingly addicted to sugar.
Here's the good news....You too can feel better than ever! I feel as if my body has been completely regenerating itself after these past few months with no sugar. After a lifetime of serious sugar consumption, and I do mean serious (uh, ok, knowingly)... my mind, body, and spirit feel light, lucid, and free. Weight naturally began to fall off, my energy soared, and cravings completely disappeared. I feel free. In fact, if you cannot tell already, I highly recommend it. Not sure if you're addicted? I challenge you to challenge yourself... Pick a reasonable time frame to completely eliminate sugar from your diet. How long to start? Whatever feels right... Maybe a week? A month? Does that sound difficult? Well, that might be your first clue.
Begin by reading labels. ALL the labels...sauces, dressings, crackers...EVERYTHING...especially the things you naturally assume *should* be free from sugar. You might just be surprised how much sugar you have been consuming. Commit to your chosen timeframe. Remember, self-discipline equals freedom. Be free. I promise, it gets easier and easier. You never know, this fun-filled little experiment might just save your life.
I welcome any questions, comments, cheers, boo's...bring it on.
Try going sugar-free. I double-dog dare you. No, wait...I TRIPLE dog dare you. That's right. I went there. (Queue maniacal laughter...)
Mantra of the day: I am so happy and grateful I eat and crave only foods that nourish me deeply and wholly!!