It has taken me literally months to answer this. Not because it is so complicated, ok, maybe....but more likely because it is so all-encompassing and has so many different definitions depending on who (and where) you ask. Learning tantra yoga in India has certainly helped me understand what it means to me. I will first share some background based on information from the traditional system as well as some well known modern tantrics such as Swami Satyananda Saraswati...
One definition from a traditional Tantric perspective defines the word simply as "essence" in the essence of life itself. Another common translation of the Sanskrit word Tantra is "expansion" and "liberation". Therefore in this context, Tantra means to expand ones's experience and awareness of everything (the Absolute) and to attain spiritual knowledge and liberation.
What does that mean? Well, basically anything and everything...
Tantra is concerned with the domain of the physical, mental, spiritual, and the psychic. It is involved with all of, play, thought, passions, and all daily human affairs. The mystery as well as the beauty of Tantra is that it has never been rigidly defined as a whole which allows for the adaptation of continuously changing conditions and does not become hindered by fixed dogmas. Tantra is also a most practical system as its purpose is to give each and every individual spiritual illumination by any reasonable means that brings one pleasure and happiness. Seriously. Pretty cool, huh?
Traditional Tantric texts summarize the subjects of tantra to include: consiousness, worship of deities (Devi/Deva pujas), heavenly bodies (astronomy/astrology), different levels of awareness, psychic pathways and centers within the human form (nadis and chakras), laws and duties in society, incantation (mantras), magic circles (mandalas and yantras), symbolic and invocative gestures (mudras), spiritual practices (sadhana), magic, ceremonial rites/initiation/worship (puja), yoga asanas, pranayamas, meditation methods, science, alchemy, and the use of sexual energy as a means to Higher Awareness.
The guru I have studied with in India will not even give a definition to the word Tantra other than "Tantra is Tantra."
So what does that mean to me? It means Oneness. It means honoring EVERY human as a Divine and Sacred being. It is everything I have always believed without knowing there was a word to describe it. I cannot in my wildest imagination (and believe me...that is one wild place)...think of a more wonderful definition of life than to truly follow my bliss and simply be the most authentic me possible. This is called dharma. What a relief it is to know this is all we ever have to do. The rest is just icing on the cake....
Ok...make that a gluten-free, vegan, sugar-free cake please....
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