Monday, March 25, 2013

I'm Slow and I'm Proud...

Something that I have gratefully learned from my husband is the art of driving 60mph, calmly, and with intention. As someone that grew up driving in the crazy city of Atlanta, I always seemed to think the idea was to "Go with the flow" and drive just like everyone else. Cities such as Atlanta have a group mentality teeming with chaotic energy.  If you're not conscious about it, you might look down and be surprised to see your speedometer registering a high rate of speed without even realizing it.  I know this has happened to me on more than one occasion. 

When I met my husband he was the first person I had ever met that actually drove 55 or 60 mph ...on the interstate.... on purpose. 
Now of course he has friends that make fun of his pokey driving, but he has a wonderful explanation besides the fact it is usually the posted speed limit. ... it will seriously help your gas mileage and therefore is one of the best things you can do for the environment. 
However, the best reason is, IT IS SO MUCH LESS STRESSFUL.  When I found myself driving to the crazy city last Friday I realized I have not driven to Atlanta in quite a long time... in fact so long I couldn't even remember when the last time was. I set the cruise control at 60 and made my way south. I was so surprised by how calm I felt, driving 60 intentionally, and not "fighting" traffic but creating my own bubble of calm. Actually, it was the most serene I have ever felt driving in a city ....ever. 
So I ask you this...the next time you're driving on the highway or interstate do you think it's worth saving money, gas, as well as the planet AND your sanity, to get there five minutes later? If you don't do this already, try it, you just might be surprised.

Today's Affirmation:  "I am so happy and grateful that calmness is my natural state.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ancient Spirit Stick

 The Ancient Spirit Stick is a unique and powerful wand. She shows us that by honoring our Earth Mother, we can harvest all the blessings we send out to her. Embracing gratitude in our very presence can transform our world. 
This special wand measures approximately 16" long. She is adorned with three clear quartz crystal points, unakite, agate, shells, shell beads, tigers eye, thread/cord, beads, an antique chinese coin, vine wire, and a sharks tooth. She is imbued with magic and ready to help you manifest all of your wildest dreams! Instructions enclosed in package. See bottom of page for information about qualities of some of the gemstones.

The following gemstone information has been taken from "The Crystal Bible: A definitive Guide to Crystals" by Judy Hall

QUARTZ is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It stimulates the immune system and brings the body back in to balance. Quartz also raises energy to the highest possible level.

AGATE is a grounding stone, bringing about an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. It also aids in centering and stabilizing physical energy. Psychologically, Agate gently facilitates acceptance of one’s self. This builds self-confidence and aids self-analysis and perception of hidden circumstances, bringing to your attention anything that is interfering with your well-being.

TIGER'S EYE combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state and enhances psychic abilities. This stone assists in accomplishing goals, recognizing inner resources and promoting clarity of intention. It grounds and facilitates manifestation of the will.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Six million and counting...

Lovely park in the center of Buckhead

      For the better part of the last eight years, I have spent my life in a small country town.  It was my choice, my dream in fact, to be in rural Georgia and after spending the past week back in my childhood city of Atlanta; I realize now why I make that choice.  Besides obvious reasons like the beauty of silence, as well as the sounds of nature, darkness…watching the moon rise and actually seeing stars in the sky, vast forests where the trees do not have to push their roots up through concrete, breathing in deeply and experiencing clean, fresh air…and don’t even get me started about city water…Gag.... the most profound difference is the energy.  I always notice the intensity that seems to come over me as I travel down the highway from the country four-lane into the throbbing, frenetic 14 lanes of I-75, and it is real.  It is a frantic and chaotic energy that makes me scrunch my shoulders up without even realizing I am doing it.  The city with its now six MILLION inhabitants (that’s right 6,000.000!)  is overflowing with an anxious energy that reaches out its tentacles and sucks you into the vortex. 

I have been staying here, without a vehicle, and have done all the things I needed to do including grocery shopping, on foot.  It has been an enlightening experience and I am grateful to be in a place that has so much to offer in a five-mile radius.  I have spent the last few days walking up and down the heart of this city and have passed many people along the way.  Everyone is in such a huge hurry.  Not just the people in the cars inevitably stacked up at the numerous traffic lights, but even the pedestrians.  The sidewalks are filled with people that appear to have some giant invisible beast in hot pursuit.  They don’t look up, they don’t make eye contact, and they certainly don’t talk to you.  Well, being the instigator of well, I don’t really know what, I have been intentionally talking to everyone I see.  Smiling as big as I can, saying, “Hello, what a beautiful spring-like day we have today!” and other such small talk.  I am pretty sure they think I am either crazy, or “she’s not from around here…” ha! I am from here.  I am from exactly here!” Although I might also be crazy because I do in fact feel like I am from another planet. 

This brings me to another difference between overcrowded cities and where I live.  It is most definitely the people.  You see, I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth.  The mountains, the rivers, the forests, the expansive sky full of infinite possibility….these gifts are all so special, so sacred.  The people that live here know it.  Even if they grew up in a place like this, they still know, deep within themselves, that they are connected to it.  There is something so divine in this land that goes beyond physical beauty.  It is a peace that resides in the soul that can be called upon in the blink of an eye. 

I understand the importance of cities and that they exist for a reason.  They just seem to grow so BIG...and so BUSY.  Why is everyone in such a dang hurry? You just don't see too many "sleepy" cities.  My question is, do you think it is too late for humans?  Are we so far down the rabbit hole there is no turning back?  Although sometimes I get discouraged when I see how we treat the earth and the creatures living on it, I do not believe this to be true.  I believe we can all… together, create the loving, peaceful, abundant world we all dream of living in.  Gandhi knew.  He said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.  What do you think would happen if we ALL did that?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Changing of Time...

The time changed last Saturday.  Even though the “time change” is a manual and physical changing of time, it still affects us on a deep level.  Our concept of daytime and nighttime as well as sunrise and sunset completely change in one single moment.  Shifting time is where all the hands wind down for a split second- only to be thrust forward or backward on the wheel of life.  It goes against everything in the natural world.  No wonder it is so discombobulating. 
I am not sure about everyone else, but I get thrown out of whack for a day or two every time it happens…At least in the world where clock time is important. 

I saw this picture and it made me laugh.  I believe Daylight Savings Time is generally a good thing because it reduces the amount of electricity being used in most geographic locations.  Gone are the days where we rise with the sun and retire with the moon.  Now digital displays tell us what to do.  Hmmm.

The Emotion Spirit Stick

 The Emotion Spirit Stick shows us the importance of honoring our emotions and feelings while observing them from our inner spirit instead of our mind (ego).  When I first saw this beautiful piece of wood in the forest, I gasped.  She seemed to glow from within.  I felt a connection with her instantly.  She tells an ancient story. Gather round and open your ears as well as your mind and heart. 
This special and powerful wand measures approximately 19" long. She is adorned with beads, glass baubles, hemp, yarn, shell, quartz, agate, and adventurine gemstones, and a vintage mother of pearl gold cufflink. She is imbued with magic and ready to help manifest the wildest of dreams! Instructions enclosed in package.
To purchase this Spirit Stick please use the PAYPAL "ADD TO CART" button on the top right of the blog page.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Woodpecker Spirit Stick (The Drumming Stick)

***SOLD***The Drumming (Woodpecker) Spirit Stick shifts us to other dimensions while connecting us to the rhythms of Mother Earth.
This special wand measures approximately 16" long. She is adorned with amethyst, lapis lazuli, ribbons, spiral charms, marbles, beads, rhinestones, and baubles. She is imbued with magic and ready to help you manifest all of your wildest dreams! Instructions enclosed in package.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Mermaid Spirit Stick

***SOLD***The Mermaid Spirit Stick is a very powerful wand. She is here to help us to be grateful for the magic in every moment.
This special wand measures approximately 14" long. She is adorned with two clear quartz crystal points, a turquoise howlite cabochon, beads, glass baubles, ribbon, wire, silver charms, a pearl button, and a silver lizard charm. This wand also is covered in naturally occuring carvings and markings by the creatures of Mother Earth as well as embellished by paint. She is imbued with magic and ready to help manifest the wildest of dreams! Instructions enclosed in package.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Native Spirit Stick

***SOLD*** The Native Spirit Stick is a very powerful wand. This wand brings us back to our native roots, balancing the male and female energies.
This special wand measures approximately 16" long, (not including the feathers). She is adorned with a clear quartz crystal point, a jasper bear fetish, bone, beads, glass baubles, suede, wire, a silver spiral/hand charm, shell, turquoise gemstones, native north Georgia quartz, a chipped arrowhead point, a sharks tooth, and feathers. This wand also is covered in naturally occuring markings by the creatures of Mother Earth. There has been no additional carving on this wand...just amazing carvings by insects. She is imbued with magic and ready to help manifest the wildest of dreams! Instructions enclosed in package.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Illumination Spirit Stick

The Illumination Spirit Stick is a very powerful wand. She is here to help us to illuminate our every day magical moments.
This special wand measures approximately 14.5" long. She is adorned with a clear quartz crystal point, a golden eagle with a turquoise cabochon, beads, glass baubles, twine, and pure positive energy. This wand also is covered in naturally occuring carvings and markings by the creatures of Mother Earth and embellished by paint. She is imbued with magic and ready to help manifest the wildest of dreams! Instructions enclosed in package.