Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just another fun filled childhood anecdote...

When I was little, my mother was a chef at an upscale French restaurant.  Being an avid connoisseur of fish sticks and tater tots, I was unfamiliar with many of the fancy concoctions that came out of that kitchen.  Many afternoons after school I would end up hanging around the kitchen, doing my best to stay out of the way, sneaking as much bread, butter, and chocolate mousse that I could get my little hands on. 
One day Denise, one of the other chefs, said she had made a surprise for me.  She handed me a plate.  Upon first glance, I had no idea what it even was as I had never eaten such a thing as this.  It was a large fluffy crepe covered with sugar. Feeling my obsession for sweets surge, I eagerly grabbed the plate and absconded to a table in the back of the restaurant.  I took the first bite and at that moment with a huge mouthful partially chewed, I began to panic. This was by far the most disgusting thing I had ever put in my mouth. 

Fast-forward twenty years to Paris, France, where guessed it...somebody hands me a crepe.   This time filled with one of my favorite treats, Nutella.  Yes.  I proceed to scrape the Nutella out and discard the delicate pancake in which it was wrapped, without even tasting it. 

So what does all this have to do with the price of tea in China?  Nothing.  I just thought it would make an interesting intro into my blog about the dish I made last night for dinner.... Buckwheat crepes with kale, potato, and roasted red pepper sauce.  Yesssireee. 
Of course this was my very first foray into the world of crepe making and I must say, I was most pleasantly surprised.  Having a bunch of organic fresh kale given to me by my dear friend was motivation to go beyond the bounds of just any ho-hum dinner.  It all worked quite well together and turned out to be a spectacular recipe.
Why, you ask? Well, I will tell you why. 
In my quest to flow with the universe, try new things, eliminate negativity, and experience all there is to experience, I thought...what the heck.  I am certainly glad I did.

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