Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why Peru?

Why Peru?
Well, first of all, the answer is always magic.
I have no other response other than that is where the universe led me.  I have realized that life can be a grand experiment in trying things out.  We have infinite possibilities.  Our ego will tell us things are good or bad.  There only is.  So even if things seem "bad," the KNOWING that we can affirm something positive and CHOOSE to believe it is so…. well, it's magic.  And it works. 

Why Peru?  For all I know this path started out "way back when" where at one time in my life I had a fairly good understanding of the Spanish language thanks to a Peruvian Spanish Teacher.  That truly seems like eons ago. However, I worry not.  I am choosing a new experiment.  I think for now I will simply call it "immersion"…  For I know as much about the journey as you do.  Every mysterious moment is a gift.  This experiment is about releasing fear.  Being open to new adventure.  Always looking for the magic.  

However, by consciously releasing fear, we leave a larger and larger space inside.  I believe it is important for us to set our intentions by consciously deciding and affirming what we are bringing in to replace the fear.  Something will fill the space.
 The true gift is that it is also easier.  When we begin to automatically trust the inner voice inside, there is no debate as to what the "right" answer is.  It just is.  Spirit is INSIDE US ALL.  We just have to be quiet and listen for the messages. It is freedom.

I completely trust that I will be gracefully swept along this magical path, dancing and laughing all the way.  
I am grateful to have the opportunity to share this with you.  

Affirmations of the day: 
I am so happy and grateful that I easily put my trust in the universe. and listen.
I am so happy and grateful that I am multilingual.  Hey, why not?

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