Friday, July 12, 2013


How do you know you are in a foreign country when you wake up in the morning???? Horns! Lots and lots of horn honking. Americans just do not use the car horn the same. Peru is no exception. The traffic noises, which literally continue nonstop day and night, was my first indication that I was not only NOT in Kansas anymore...I am not anywhere near Kansas, or Georgia, or even that half of the planet.

I believe the myriad of honks, beeps, and frequent siren bursts is viewed only as a way of communicating while driving...the "voice" of the blinkers, if you will. It doesn't seem to be an explicative as it does in the states. Also, I am quite sure it has to do with the...umm......12 million(!!!) or so people in this city!
The taxi ride from the Lima airport to Miraflores was an exhilarating ride.. weaving in and out of lanes just barely escaping the kiss of another bumper mere millimeters away...

The best part was Cesar the taxi driver. I spoke Spanish, or at least MY version of Spanish the entire 45 minutes we were navigating the maze that is Lima, Peru. He was great! He even kept his giggling to a minimum as I mangled my way through my first conversation completely in espanol. Love it!!!
So... Buenas Dias! for now...

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