Sunday, July 21, 2013

Yaguas Indians

We visited a native village living on the bank of a tributary of the Amazon.   Everyone seemed so happy.  All the children were playing in the center of the (soccer), volleyball, and various other ball games. They brought all their "pets" to show parrots and three toed sloths. Those baby sloths were the cutest little things I have ever seen. When you hold them, they gently hug you and put their little heads on your shoulder!  We all fell in love with them and wanted to take them home with us. After careful consideration, we decided that with their special amazonian diet, they would be better off staying here with the Yaguas. 

We met the tribal chief and the elders. They played music in the ceremony lodge and we all danced together to raise the vibration which was actually caught on camera with  orbs of light all over the picture.  Absolutely fascinating! 
Then the chief showed us how they make a blow dart gun for hunting monkeys, birds, and other small animals for food. They let us shoot with them and aim at a target. I was two for two and I'm seriously considering a career change. 

At first I felt like such a tourist walking around this authentic village. However, after spending time with these delightful people, entertaining them with my gringo spanglish, I changed my outlook. They truly seemed to enjoy showing us their ways and customs. We bought arts and crafts from them which will help sustain them. They are proud of their heritage and I am honored to have spent some time with these sweet, loving people. 

1 comment:

  1. Leave the sloths there we have enough in the US. JJ
